Hello! I’m Leann Harris and this site is made for the curious and questioning reader.
I created this site because I’m a lifelong book addict and wanted to share why reading and learning does more than give us knowledge but makes us better human beings.


I review nonfiction books frequently not on best seller lists but which point to a fundamental human truth. I cover books from Western and Eastern Psychology, personal development (a.k.a. self-help), social sciences, research, creativity, Philosophy, spirituality, productivity, and sometimes some really great fiction.  My goal is to draw connections between concepts and then show you how to apply what you’ve read to your life in order to change it for the better.

What You’ll Find Here

For those who don’t have time to read a whole book, I offer reviews with bite-sized takeaways you can implement in your life today.

For my reader friends, I also offer personalized book recommendations based on your specific situation, what books you’ve loved, and what kind of books you want to read more of. Click here to fill out my form and get your book recommendations!

For those who have a book you love but just can’t seem to implement in your daily life, I offer one-on-one coaching. Click here to schedule a call to talk!


A Bit About My Background

Reading was the first way I learned about myself. Around the age when I was slightly taller than our coffee tables, I found and read one of my mother’s pop psychology books. I still remember feeling excited at learning how “adults” think and wanting to try these techniques on my mother. My young stomach jumped when I realized that what I had learned from a book could affect the behavior of people around me. I felt like I had a tool at the ready – and I wanted to fill my toolbox quickly and excessively. Sneaking adult-reading level books out of the library became my guilty pleasure.

I believe books helps us learn about ourselves. But sometimes life feels too difficult to go it alone. I became a coach so that you will have me to help guide you through your next challenge.

My certifications and training include:
  • ICF (International Coaching Federation) trained
  • Positive Psychology Coaching Certified
  • ACBS (Contextual Behavior Science) Associate
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
  • Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT)
  • Evidence Based Coaching
  • Shame Resilience Training
  • Meditation and Mindfulness training
  • Instructor for New Leaf Meditation Project

My more “traditional” coaching website is called What Really Helps and can be found at www.WhatReallyHelps.com.

I know there are others who are curious about themselves and the world around them, and I would love nothing better than to connect with you. Feel free to email me at Leann@ThereThereReadThis.com if you’d like to chat!

Explore your world through the wisdom and possibilities found in books.